Let's talk about the dreaded B word. Budgeting - the word that invokes more dread than a trip to the dentist. Trust me, I get it. The thought of spending an hour crunching numbers and reviewing expenses can make you want to run for the hills. But here's the truth: budgeting is only boring if you make it boring.
Budgeting is actually fairly straightforward. The rules we use today have been around for ages - sorry, I didn't feel like digging up the exact details. But what really matters is now, in the present. I want to change the way you think about budgeting. I want you to get excited about managing your money and envision how it can pave the way to achieving your goals. And the secret to making it enjoyable? Well, it starts with changing the names we use for different budget categories.
Let's dive into the first part of your budget: fixed expenses. Sounds dull, right? Just hearing the term "fixed expenses" probably leaves you scratching your head. So, let's spice things up a bit. Instead of calling them fixed expenses, let's call them "damn the man" expenses. Why? Because these are the costs you need to pay just to survive and scrape by in life - your mortgage/rent, electricity, water, cellphone, and internet bills. They take up a significant portion of your paycheck, ideally 50% or less.
Next up, we have variable expenses. I know, I know, the term itself can put you to sleep. But fear not! We're going to give it a makeover. Let's rename it to "embrace your crazy" expenses. This is the money you spend on all the things that bring you joy - groceries, eating out, travel, clothing, accessories, electronics, concerts, games, you name it. It's all about spending on yourself and creating happiness. That's why we call it" embrace your crazy" - you get to spend money on the things that truly make you happy. This category should ideally be around 30-40% of your paycheck.
Lastly, we have retirement. Now, I know the term itself can stir up thoughts of getting old and becoming a burden on society. Not the most appealing image, right? But what if we turned it into something empowering and rebellious? Let's call it "give the finger" money. This is the portion of your paycheck that allows you to stop working, work less, travel more, and do whatever you want without the need for a 9 to 5 grind. It gives you financial freedom and the ability to do as you please. Ideally, this should be anywhere between 10-20% of your paycheck.
Now, feel free to come up with your own names for these budget categories. Make them personal and meaningful to you. The key is to understand where your money is going and why. Remember, the why is crucial. If you can't justify why you're spending a large portion of your money on something, it's probably time to reconsider. Budgeting can reclaim its fun factor if you add your own spin to it and truly enjoy the process.
And here's the cherry on top - if you want to chat more about your investments, goals, and how to achieve them, I'm here for you. Let' shave a 30-minute free talk to answer all your burning questions. Together, we can embark on a journey towards financial freedom and make budgeting an exciting part of your life. Let's take control of our finances and live life on our own terms!